Bruker micrOTOF II

Bruker micrOTOF-Q II

Electrospray MS for small molecule exact mass measurements (direct infusion only)


Brukermicrotof Ii


Electrospray MS coupled to ultra-high pressure LC for analysis of complex organic and aqueous materials and intact proteins (direct infusion or UHPLC)

Brukermicrotof Qii


 Bruker UltrafleXtreme MALDI-TOF-TOF

Waters Acquity TQD Triple Quadrupole

Small and large molecules analysis; Peptide Mass Fingerprinting; peptide MS/MS with imaging MS capability



Selective and quantitative analysis of small molecules, including metabolites


Bruker impact II

Bruker timsTOF Pro (Champion Group)

High resolution MS coupled to Waters H-Class UPLC system for small molecules and intact proteins


Impact Ii


High resolution MS with ion mobility coupled to nanoElute LC for complex proteomic analysis

timsTOF Pro


Thermo Q-Exactive HF

AB Sciex 6500 QTrap

Ultra-high resolution MS coupled to nano-ultra-high pressure LC or CE for bottom-up proteomics



Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) for quantitation; coupled to nano-LC for complex sample analysis (ex. lipids, metabolites, peptides)
